Sing a Song

Sing, sing a song;
Sing out loud;
Sing out strong.
Sing of good things not bad;
Sing of happy not sad.
Musical NoteSingers SingingMusical Note
Sing, sing a song;
Make it simple to last
Your whole life long.
Don't worry that it's not
Good enough for anyone else to hear;
Just sing, sing a song.
Musical NoteSingers SingingMusical Note
Sing, sing a song;
Let the world sing along.
Sing of love there could be;
Sing for you and for me.
Musical NoteSingers SingingSingers SingingMusical Note
Sing, sing a song;
Make it simple to last
Your whole life long.
Don't worry that it's not
Good enough for anyone else to hear;
Just sing, sing a song.
Musical Note Musical NoteMusical NoteMusical NoteMusical Note

Midi: Sing a Song

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