Oat and Peas and Barley Grow

Oats & Peas & Barley
Oats and peas and barley grow,
Oats and peas and barley grow;
Can you or I or anyone know
How oats and peas and barley grow?

First the farmer sows his seed,
Stands erect and takes his ease;
He stamps his foot and claps his hands,
And turns around to view his lands.
Farmer Boy
Oats and peas and barley grow,
Oats and peas and barley grow;
Can you or I or anyone know
How oats and peas and barley grow?

Next the farmer waters the seed,
Stands erect and takes his ease;
He stamps his foot and claps his hands,
And turns around to view his lands.
Oats & Peas & Barley
Oats and peas and barley grow,
Oats and peas and barley grow;
Can you or I or anyone know
How oats and peas and barley grow?

Next the farmer hoes the weeds,
Stands erect and takes his ease;
He stamps his foot and claps his hands,
And turns around to view his lands.
Farmer Boy
Oats and peas and barley grow,
Oats and peas and barley grow;
Can you or I or anyone know
How oats and peas and barley grow?

Last the farmer harvests his seed,
Stands erect and takes his ease;
He stamps his foot and claps his hands,
And turns around to view his lands.

Midi: Oats and Peas and Barley Grow

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