Back in the Saddle Again

Western Scene CowboyWestern Plants
I'm back in the saddle again,
Out where a friend is a friend,
Where the long-horn cattle feed
On the lonely jimson weed,
I'm back in the saddle again.
Western Plants
I'm riding the range once more,
Totin' my old .44,
Where you sleep out every night,
Where the only law is Right,
I'm back in the saddle again.
Western Plants
Whoopee-ti-yi-yo, rock-in' to and fro,
I'm back in the saddle again;
Whoopee-ti-yi-yay, I go my way,
I'm back in the saddle again.

Western PlantsCowboyWestern Plants

Gene Autry, Ray Whitley

Midi: Back in the Saddle Again
About Jimson Weed

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